Monday, January 28, 2013

The Newest Little Red Wagenhoffer

 On Friday, January 25, 2013, at 5:46 in the morning, we were privileged to welcome Miss Megan Lynn into our family.  She's an adorably tiny bundle at six pounds, four ounces and eighteen and three quarter inches long.  We are incredibly blessed!


  1. Oh Shauna! She's BEAUTIFUL! I'm jealous of her red... so sad it's not in my genes to share.
    Oh well. I'll just have to enjoy it on Megan :-)

    Thank you for the pictures. My heart was bleeding to see her!

    Hugs, love, and congratulations!!!


  2. Hooray! Thank you for posting! She's a beauty! What lovely hair. :)

  3. Congratulations! She looks beautiful, I look forward to meeting her. I hope mom and baby are sleeping and doing great ...

