Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Heidi and Goliath

Heidi's been a bit obsessed with the story of David and Goliath lately. I'm hearing it told, retold, and acted out many times a day. Only instead of David, there's often a heroine named Heidi that I don't recall being in the original version. Everything is measured by its imagined relationship to the size of Goliath. ("Wow, that tree's as big as Goliath!!!" and so on.) And she wants a sling shot. An orange one. This does not surprise me.
What did surprise me was the request she came to me with a couple days ago.

"Momma, I would like a Goliath"
"You would like what?"
"A Goliath. You know, like David had. I will put a rock in my sling, my orange sling, and spin it around and around and around and I will trust God, I will believe Him when no one else does and I will kill Goliath!"
Does she realize what she's asking for? Oppression, killing, war? Not things I would wish for my little girl.
"Well, Heidi, I think there was only one Goliath and he died a long time ago."
"Why? I want one, I want to use my sling just like David"
"You could trust God just like David did."
"I know, Momma, we could pray about that!"
So she does, she asks God to send her a Goliath, and when she's done,
"Did He say yes, Momma? Will God give me a Goliath?"

I remind her that God always hears our prayers. That sometimes He says yes, sometimes He says no, sometimes He says wait, and sometimes... sometimes He answers our prayers in ways we could never fathom at the time that we prayed. His ways are above our ways and His answers often exceed our expectations. I'm sure that in a way He will send her a Goliath. Just as He sends each of us a Goliath (or a hundred depending on how quickly we learn or not). He will allow that in her life which will test her faith, which will let her choose to courageously believe that what God says is true despite all appearances to the contrary, or choose to cower in disbelief with the masses. I pray that the day she does face her Goliath that her choice will place her in the good company of those in faith's hall of fame. Those of whom the world was not worthy. Those who were sure of what they hoped for and certain of what they did not see (Hebrews11). May my Heidi choose to trust her God.


  1. Oh Shauna...

    Did you ever imagine it quite this way when you imagined having children?

    Did you know YOUR learning curve would be the steepest one?

    Also, I am curious about you not being "up" to washing dishes?
    I know.
    I AM a bit nosey

    Love you!

  2. 'Lene,
    You know the part about God's answers to our prayers often being beyond our wildest expectations? I think that's how it is with my children. And yes, the learning curve is much steeper than I would have guessed, but I don't think I would change it if I could. How else would I remember to rely on Him every moment?
    As far as the not being up to dishes, I've been sick, and last week I was feeling pretty rotten. When I started coughing up blood I finally broke down and decided it was time to go the doctor. I'm smart like that. A course of antibiotics later and I'm starting to feel like I'm on the mend. At least the blood seems to have stopped coming with the coughs. Would you pray with me that I'm well enough to travel by the time we set out for California?
    Love you,

  3. Dear Shauna, I'm glad you're smart.

    You bet I'll pray with you, and for you.
    Are you trying for California for Christmas?
    We are going to try to catch California in February-ish en route to Idaho for the warmer months.

    Continue to let those wonderful dish-washers bless you!


  4. Yes!!!! We're trying for California for Christmas. It's been two and a half years, and high time we get back home. Too bad we'll be missing your visit (our original plan was february as well, but Christmas worked better for Karl's employers). How far off I-80 are you in Colorado? (We're not sure yet which way we're going, but thought I would check).
