Saturday, December 12, 2009

She Speaks in Sentences

Hannah communicates very well. Oh, she may not have many words, but she lets us know what she does - or doesn't - want very clearly. Her comprehension is incredible, she can obey three and four step commands. She just hasn't seen a need to expand her vocabulary too quickly. She often mimics sounds tonally rather than articulately. Therefore, she'll say whole phrases, but they come out sounding like, "Da da da da dada". Imagine my surprise, then, yesterday, when I noticed Heidi carrying something she shouldn't, said, "Heidi, please put that down." and heard parroted VERY clearly from the lips of Hannah, "Heidi, put it down!"
Her first sentence and it's a command to her sister. Hmm, how does that bode for the future?

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