Monday, August 8, 2011

"I 'ree 'ear old now!"

So said my darling Hannah all day today.
And she's right,
she really is three years old.
How did this happen?
I think I just finally got used to the idea of Heidi being that age.
Happy Birthday my adorable three year old!


  1. How CAN that be?!
    Shauna I am so tickled by the Lords blessing on your life and family - it's almost good as first-hand!

    Thinking of you every time I sing the Mosquito song to my children. They LOVE that one!
    Oh it brings back the old OLD days...

  2. Thanks 'Lene!

    It's been awhile since I attempted the mosquito song. Heidi disapointed me a couple years ago by looking at me like I had a hole in my head when I sang it to her. (Which,as you know,is what everyone does when I try to sing, but one would expect their own children to be accepting). I'll have to try again now that she's a bit older.
