Tuesday, January 18, 2011

How We Go Out To Eat

My Heidi has a host of incredible qualities, not the least of which is her determination and stick-to-it-ivness. Once she has an idea in her head, she will keep at it until it becomes a reality. Well, a few days ago she determined she needed to go to a restaurant for lunch and it needed to be McDonald's. (I guess that seems like a marvelous place when you're four years old and have only been there a handful of times).
I was NOT going to drive for an hour in the wind and snow and -20 temps with three sick kids just to take my girl out for a happy meal. Now, I may not do so well at persuading Heidi to abandon her ideas, I am, however, learning the fine art of providing a more appealing alternative. Enter McDonald's at our house! I got to be the cook (surprise, surprise) and she got to be the waitress (which apparently they have in her version of fast food places). We worked together on a menu for Daddy to peruse when he got home, then she put together a notepad and got dressed up so Daddy wouldn't recognize her when he got home.
To pull this remarkable feat off, she had to wear one of my maternity shirts with a ribbon belt and a backpack for a hat. Would you have guessed that was really Heidi under there? I didn't think so. Daddy said she was an incredible waitress.
Today she said she wants to go swimming in the house. How am I going to deal with that one?


  1. HAHAHAHAHahahahahaHHAHAHA Okay.... I have to stop with this one, because I'm laughing so hard, any other blog reading would be anti-climactic!

    What a gal you have there,
    and Shauna - your writing is bar none!

    I love it!
    Love YOU!

  2. Thanks 'Lene, that's quite the compliment from you, writer o' writers and blogger o' bloggers!
    I tend to post mostly pictures without the stories I had wanted to publish alongside because my brain feels like mush by the end of the day. I can't form a cognative thought, let alone a proper sentence. How DO you do it?

  3. I mostly don't.

    I have thought that Zack and Heidi are two of the same ilk. Only...
    Zack wants to build a PT boat.
    Um. Yeah. I let dad handle that one!
    No "scale size" for Zack! And I was impressed that Clay (who is not necessarily my practical one) asked "And HOW are you going to get it to the lake?"
    That is a very good question to which Zack gave Clay the blank look that said
    "Really. I cannot be bothered with such details. I'll cross that bridge when I come to it."


    Mush. Pure unadulterated mush. That's what mommy's brains are made of!

  4. Yes. Sounds a bit like Heidi's "play" house. It includes six bathrooms and two stair cases and... well, it took four hours of non-stop chatter to describe it to me last sping and its been added to ever since. I've been telling Karl we'd better get it done as the longer we wait, it appears, the more we'll have to do!
