Saturday, April 18, 2009

Dirt in My Oven

Lest you think the blog title is a farce... today, I really do have dirt in my oven. It's time for spring planting around here and I'm working on getting the potting soil ready. It doesn't smell so great, but that's okay. I'll make brownies when I'm done and take care of that problem (maybe everyone else will think it's still dirt and let me eat them all by myself). Heidi's having a great time playing in the dirt and helping me fill my dishes. She really thinks it's funny that Mama's baking dirt!

On a completely different note, Karl came home from town this morning with some beautiful roses as a surprise for our aniversary tomorrow. He had taken Heidi with him, and allowed her to pick a flower for Mama all by herself. What a delight!


  1. Now I'm curious! Why do you bake the dirt?

  2. We bake the dirt to kill the weed seed and bacteria. That way, what grows in the greenhouse is what we want to grow, not other stuff. This being my second year doing it, I'm getting quite good at it. It has to be hot enough to kill stuff, but not so hot that it also strips all the nutrients. I stick my meat thermometer in it to keep track of the temperature. The fun things you learn when trying to get certified organic while not breaking the bank!

  3. Ahhhhh. That's great! So innovative! Thanks for sharing.
