Saturday, January 23, 2010

She's Giving Me A Complex

I'll be the first to admit that I have never been slender, and that after Hannah, my stomach never exactly returned to its former state, and, now that I am expecting again, it seems to know exactly what it needs to do to accommodate a growing baby - expand. I do not, however, believe it to be as big as Heidi would lead me to believe. A few times a day now she pats my tummy and tells me, "Yep, it's growing and growing and growing." Then, the other night, I was carrying her to bed and she began to yell,
"Oh, oh, oh!!!"
"What's wrong?" I asked with alarm.
"I going to fall!!!!"
Not sensing any impending danger, I asked her why.
"It's your tummy, Momma, It getting so big I can't hold on any more!"

Hmmm... we're still at the beginning of this race, I wonder what she's going to think when we get closer to the end.

1 comment:

  1. Oh my, that was a good laugh!! Maybe not for you though...gave me a mighty good chuckle at what those wee ones say...not always complementary! I'm sure your stomach is just fine....going merely on assumption here. LOL!
