Sunday, May 2, 2010

Riding Together

Daddy and Heidi went for a horse ride last Sunday. Heidi thinks they should do it every day. I'm thankful we started with a team of steady old fellows. They put up with a lot. Especially considering that they had never been ridden before we got them. And while we've ordered new bridles, they're not in yet, so we make do with old ones that are falling apart and use lead ropes for reins when riding. We improvise lots and are learning even more, but these guys just look at us and continue on as if nothing is wrong
Hannah would have gone for a ride as well, but she was a pretty sick girl last week, so she stayed inside with Momma. No worries, though, she likes her comfort and set herself up on the couch with her pillows and blankets just so and her water and baby doll handy for when she wanted them.

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