Wednesday, May 11, 2011

I've Waited Ten Years For This

When I was in Bible school I met a Canadian fellow who informed me that he had penguins and polar bears for pets. As I find penguins delightfully amusing I was interested. Interested enough, in fact, to say yes when he invited me to come for a visit over Easter break. I was excited, I would get to feed, play with and cuddle adorable little penguins!

Then I arrived. No penguins. "What is the meaning of this?" I asked. "Oh," he said, "Penguins are shy little creatures, you'll have to come back for a longer visit if you want them to get used to you and show themselves."

So I did. A year later I spent a month of my summer in Canada. Still no penguins. This time he claimed it was too hot, "Don't you know penguins hibernate in summer? Come back in fall."
I did, again for a month. This time he told me I'd have to show the penguins I was going to stick around for awhile and the best way to do that was to marry him.

I bought it. Six months later we were wed. I arrived at my new home eager to meet my pets, only to be informed that these creatures are so shy I would have to be here for five years before they would show their faces. I determined to patiently bide my time.

Five years passed. Then six. When I asked, he began muttering things about penguins abiding in the South pole and other such nonsense.

Seven years, and he began to question me. " I never really said anything about penguins, did I?"

Eight years of marriage, ten since my first visit to his home, and look what shows up:
Sure, it may not be what I originally had in mind, but I'm guessing this version is even better!

WOW! She married me for Penguins? I thought she married me for love! Well ... at least I know the bait was good. :~) --Karl

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