Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Mothers Day, 2011

My Mothers' Day this year seemed like absolute perfection. Why? Because I got to spend it with my children and my wonderful man. Karl hasn't always been able to be around on those "special" days, and I've learned not to take it for granted. Around here we consider any day he can spend at home a Special day.
Karl thrilled me by having the girls help him make a coat rack to place at a little person hanging level. In a climate where it seems you need a light jacket six months of the year, and a parka the other six, I think he realized it might be handy for a Momma to not be the only one capable of hanging up said outerwear. Or maybe he just got tired of stepping over coats in the entrance and decided it would be easier to take it up with the kids instead of the Momma. Either way, it makes me happy!
He allowed the girls to choose the paint color... which explains why I now have a red and yellow board in my green entrance. Neither one was going to budge on the chance to have her favorite color displayed. Every time I see it I smile, it's just so "them"!
In the afternoon we went on a walk through "The Hundred Acre Woods" as Heidi calls the bush on our property. With much hilarity and splashing about in puddles they caught a frog and proudly displayed "her" for the camera before releasing her again.
While we had a wonderful walk, the trails are still rather... wet. How thankful I am for a stroller that can handle them!
Thank you Karl, Heidi, Hannah and Levi for loving me and making me feel special! It's the most incredible privilege in the world to be your wife and Momma!

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