Saturday, July 18, 2009

Interactive Calender

Seasons and dates have really captured Heidi's interest over the past few months and I've been wanting to take advantage of that and teach her all about them. Somewhere in March or April I made all the pieces for a calender and had Karl take them to school to get them laminated. Due to my, um... resourcefulness, I didn't want to spend money on a board to mount it all on. After a few months, my patience paid off and Karl brought home a piece of scrap board. I painted it white, did some writing and nailing and we had a calender!
Our favorite part is bunny. Heidi informs me her name is Heidi, and she has clothes we can change according to the weather. She only has a few outfits now, but I'm thinking her wardrobe may expand!

1 comment:

  1. Shauna, that's so cute, and such a great idea! I hope I can think up things like that as Evie's curiosity increases.
