Wednesday, September 23, 2009
What A Day For Mail!
First, we went to the mail box, and what should be waiting there, but a letter for Heidi from Aunt Amber, with gum in it! Heidi was thrilled to enjoy her very first piece of gum courtesy of Aunt Amber today.
Next, I went to town and stopped by the post office with a package slip and returned home with a box full of treasure. Hand-me-downs and goodies from Grandma Root and cousins Annalisa and Kiera, Hooray!!!!
Sick But Happy
We were pretty sick around here over the weekend, but we still found some fun things to do. Like:
Skid Steer Operators
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Congratulations Heidi!
After thinking we were never going to get here, we have arrived. I hesitantly announce that Heidi is a big girl who is no longer in need of diapers! There is the occasional accident, but they are getting fewer and farther in between. Daddy and I are so proud of her (not to mention thrilled to not be changing diapers for two any more).
As a special treat to celebrate, we took the girls to a playground to play Sunday evening then out for ice cream. Now I have to figure out how to explain this won't be happening every time she uses the toilet.
As a special treat to celebrate, we took the girls to a playground to play Sunday evening then out for ice cream. Now I have to figure out how to explain this won't be happening every time she uses the toilet.
First Sewing Project
Heidi's favorite color is orange.
Those of you who know me know I had no influence in the choice of favored color whatsoever. She is her own person.
Today when we began the long-awaited first sewing project, the only qualification for the fabric we used was that it had to be orange. Thankfully I had some scraps in that most desired of colors left from a quilt I had made.
Those of you who know me know I had no influence in the choice of favored color whatsoever. She is her own person.
Today when we began the long-awaited first sewing project, the only qualification for the fabric we used was that it had to be orange. Thankfully I had some scraps in that most desired of colors left from a quilt I had made.
I thought Heidi did a great job pinning and guiding the fabric through the machine as I pushed the pedal. She has watched me, oh, a few hundred thousand times I suppose, so she had a good idea as to what was expected before we began. Still, I was impressed at how careful and competent she was.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Singing while 'Saulting
To a tune I have no idea how to replicate, I overheard Heidi singing while she turned somersaults and jumped on my couch cushions this morning.
We are sinners.
We are sinners.
We are sinners.
We are sinners.
Who died for me?
God died for me,
Actually Jesus,
He died for me.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Natural Sandbox
Really needing some time in the Word, but not sure how to fit that in with two toddlers clamoring for attention a couple of days ago, I asked God. "How do I do this?" He reminded me that the flood we had this spring made a sandbar that was perfect for playing in. A short walk from the house, and I had two hours of content children and Bible study. Now that the mosquitoes aren't so bad, I just might be doing this more often - that is until the snow comes!
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
He Loves Me!
Not that he has to buy things for me to prove it, but I thought it was pretty wonderful that Karl was thinking of me when he was driving down the road and saw this:
I've been using a small-wheeled-meant-for-city-life-not-country-bumps-stroller since Heidi was little. It worked... kind of. I certainly got a work-out pushing it around the property. I've been wishing for a large-wheeled two seater for quite awhile and was thrilled when Karl found me one at a yard sale this weekend. I don't get quite the same resistance training when pushing this about (it feels as if there's no weight there at all) but I certainly can go faster, and Heidi's overjoyed that there's room for two!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
She Must Be Talking to Her Friends
"I'm watching t.v." Heidi tells me, settling in on the couch with her stuffed horse, Garby. She's been doing this over the past few days, spending time on the couch, watching t.v..
"Do you know what t.v. is?" I ask her.
"Ummmm... no", comes the reply.
Unconcerned, she returns to looking out the window and explaining to Garby what the birds are doing and all the goings on of her imagination.
Ignorance really is bliss.
"Do you know what t.v. is?" I ask her.
"Ummmm... no", comes the reply.
Unconcerned, she returns to looking out the window and explaining to Garby what the birds are doing and all the goings on of her imagination.
Ignorance really is bliss.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
She's Got Talent
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My Husband Makes Me Smile
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Sunshiny Day
I know I've been adding a lot of pictures lately, but the purpose of this blog is to keep far away family involved in my girls' lives, and, as they say a picture is worth a thousand words, I've been saving myself much one-handed typing.
These were taken yesterday. We're having beautiful weather and the girls are enjoying spending time exploring God's wonderful creation.
These were taken yesterday. We're having beautiful weather and the girls are enjoying spending time exploring God's wonderful creation.
Friday, September 4, 2009
A Veil For My Grown-up Girl
Heidi had a completely dry day today. No accidents at all. This may not seem like much, but around here it's a major victory, and I'm ready to celebrate and encourage even the little ones right now. In honor of her accomplishment I told Heidi I would make her the long-asked-for "real veil of my very own". What a happy bride we had here today!

Thought I'd give you a bit of perspective on what Heidi thought was the ideal spot to be married. I think it suits my little climber just right!
Potty training is yet another aspect of parenting it seems I know less and less about the further I get into it. Honestly, I'm a failure at it. I'm just thankful God is gracious and redeems my failures, and that my children seem to learn in spite of me!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
"I am a grown-up girl"
Or so she says.
My three year old announces to all who will listen that she is NOT a little girl. She is a big girl. In fact, she is a grown-up girl.
As such, she has some plans.
"I a grown-up girl. I going to build a car. I can do it all by myself because I a big girl. I will build a place in the back for Momma to sit and for Daddy to sit and a place in the front for Hannah to sit. I will build a place for Heidi to drive. It will just be a toy car, not a real car. I will drive my toy car to visit Mrs. Blunt and Grandma and my friends. You can ride in the back Momma and Daddy. I a grown-up girl, I can do it all by myself."
My three year old announces to all who will listen that she is NOT a little girl. She is a big girl. In fact, she is a grown-up girl.
As such, she has some plans.
"I a grown-up girl. I going to build a car. I can do it all by myself because I a big girl. I will build a place in the back for Momma to sit and for Daddy to sit and a place in the front for Hannah to sit. I will build a place for Heidi to drive. It will just be a toy car, not a real car. I will drive my toy car to visit Mrs. Blunt and Grandma and my friends. You can ride in the back Momma and Daddy. I a grown-up girl, I can do it all by myself."
You are growing ever so quickly my little one and I look forward to seeing all you accomplish in life!
Sand and Sun - With a bit of Water too
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