Thursday, May 7, 2009

Little Ears

Since Hannah's arival, Karl has taken over the job of putting Heidi to bed. She looks forward to that special one-on-one time with him every day and he seems to enjoy that time to connect as well. One of my favorite parts of that going to bed ritual is hearing my beloved sing a hymn or two to my little girl every night. Heidi is learning the words to many hymns as a result and it astounds me how much she picks up. Some hymn writers, however, have a vocabulary a bit more advanced than Heidi's. It delighted me to hear Heidi interrupt Karl to ask, "pillows, Daddy?" as he sang, "and the billows cease to roll" from "Blessed quietness" the other night. And a few weeks ago in church, she leaned over in the midst of "Victory in Jesus", just after we sang, "He plunged me to victory..." to ask, "He punched me????!!!!!?????" Needless to say, we have some explaining to do.


  1. Did you get Joe and Jeanna's email about Andrew's latest? I couldn't stop laughing all day long, every time I remembered it.
    While playing "pastor" he was "marrying" some of his playmates, and said: "Do you take this man to be your waffle-headed husband?"
    To a visual person like me, that conjures up quite an image!
    But "He punched me to victory" is quite an amusing picture as well!

  2. A waffle-headed husband does provide quite the mental image! I'm having such fun seeing life from Heidi's perspective!
