Sunday, May 31, 2009

The Seedlings Are In

The gardens were finally dry enough, and the nights finally warm enough that we thought we could risk transplanting the seedlings into the garden yesterday (of course, it rained again last night, and the forecast lows for the next week are in the 30's, but the plants were very ready for more spacious accommodations). I thoroughly enjoyed working alongside Karl, and couldn't believe how much easier it is to garden when not being seven months pregnant! We still have to plant all the seeds, but at least we have begun!

I was trying to come up with row markers that were both pretty and practical and didn't cost very much. Then I remembered - we have rocks - lots of them. Rocks don't blow away in the wind, they aren't much bothered by rain either. They do have a tendency to get carried around by Ruger (our dog) but I'm not sure much is safe from him. So, I took a sharpie and a bit of paint to my pile of (clean) rocks, and now have my row markers. Heidi really enjoyed this project, I let her paint the darker rocks white before I wrote on them and she didn't want to stop!

The seedlings - and Heidi - going for a ride

Hannah watching the proceedings

Heidi helping Uncle David plant

Heidi trying to carry a tray of broccoli - it's a bit big for her!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah looks quite precious in her sun bonnet! What fun it is to grow things, eh? (children and food!)
