Sunday, June 28, 2009

Canoe Ride

Part of the Wagenhoffer clan gathered here this evening. Some of us were able to enjoy one of our family's favorite activities, canoeing. Heidi was one of the lucky participants, and she took her role as a big girl quite seriously (Hannah stayed home with Grandma and Aunties). She made sure everyone had on a life jacket, would periodically issue warnings like, "Be careful of the sweeper!" or, "Watch out for the eddy!", wanted to paddle along with the rest of us, and entertained our guests with stories, such as, "Right there where Dave and Justin go in the water last time we went in the canoe!" (they were flipped by one of those sweepers).

Three is by far the best age so far for taking little ones canoeing. (That being the oldest age I have experience with) At one, Heidi screamed most of the trip, not exactly a fun ride. Hannah's first ride had quite a few tears as well. At two, Heidi was terrified of the rapids and would cling to me and whimper, that combined with my rather pregnant self made it a hard to be of much use in the paddling department. But this year, Heidi is loving it and asking to go out every chance she can get. Karl and I are excited, we just might be able to have her enjoy the water along with us. Now... if only I could find a place to teach her how to swim.

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