Heidi is very interested in lambs right now, so when I heard some friends of ours had some new babies, I decided we had to go for a visit. As an added bonus, one of the lambs has to be bottle fed, and Heidi got to do a feeding!
I wish the rest of my day had gone so well.
I knew I was going to borrow my mother-in-law's car. I knew I would need Hannah's car seat out of the truck. I forgot to mention this to Karl. I left Hannah with Grandma while Heidi and I went to Karl's place of work to retrieve the car seat. An hour later we were back and ready to go.
Our time with our friends was wonderful. Then I decided that since we had the car, I should go to town and run a few errands. Heidi, due to the excitement of the lambs and the fact that she had missed her nap had to be reminded of the shopping rules every 90 seconds. Hannah was fussy, but every time I stopped to nurse her, she refused to eat.
I unbuckled Hannah at our last stop, and as soon as I took her out of the car she began to vomit. Repeatedly. Thankfully I was still in the parking lot and I realized what was about to happen so I turned her around and let her do her thing on the concrete. I've had my share of vomit soaked hair and clothing and was thankful to not have to deal with that 45 minutes and a gas stop from home. I quickly got what I needed, buckled Hannah, then went to put Heidi in her seat, only to hear, "But Mama, we portot (forgot) to change my diaper!" Now I had just changed it 15 minutes before, this meant it wasn't just wet. What to do? I've got a sick baby and a long drive ahead of me. I know that if I unbuckle Hannah, walk to the back of the store, wait in line for the stall with the change table, walk back and buckle everyone in again it's going to take at least a half an hour. I did the unthinkable, mean mom that I am. I unrolled my change pad in the parking lot - though not in the same place where Hannah had been - and had Heidi lie down. At least it was 60 degrees outside, not -40!
In all, I was reminded why these trips to town happen so very rarely, and was blessed to spend the day with my daughters and give Heidi the opportunity to do this:
I get it... I really do! Sounds like me on many a trip to town. I've changed a diaper or ten in parking lots around this fair country. I usually squish them onto the front seat to change them and it's not pleasant but seriously, there are worse alternatives...like the one you mentioned. So cute with the lamb!
ReplyDeleteYOU are a SUPER-mom! I am impressed.
ReplyDeleteOh, and I forgot to mention that Hannah tore my carefully prepared shopping list to bits before I even got started. Despite that, our car was so full of stuff there wasn't any front seat left to change Heidi on! At least our shopping was successful. And Hannah seems to be feeling better today.