Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Climbing the Walls

Yesterday was a difficult day. Hannah was teething, Heidi was testing authority, Karl was gone from early in the morning until, well, early this morning, and the mosquitoes were too thick to want to spend much time outside. About 10:30last night I was thinking, "I'm about ready to start climbing the walls." Immediately after that thought passed through my mind, Heidi sweetly asked, "Momma, please may I climb the walls?" I laughingly agreed, a bit curious to see exactly what she had in mind, and thanked God for reminding me to maintain my sense of humor.


  1. My boys want to know...


    Heidi will have to give them tips on climbing.

    I on the other hand understand those moments! I have wanted to climb walls myself! I hope you servived the evening.

    Love, Heather

  2. Ps. Oh, my goodness that birthday party was something!

    What fun, What creativity, What bravery!


  3. Heather, I'm SURE you understand!
    Heidi is my climber, but really she didn't climb so far as it looks in this picture, see the couch beneath her? And technically, it's a post, not a wall, so it's a bit easier to wrap one's self around.

  4. I think it's amazing in anycase.

    I remember finding Andrew on top of the fridge about 18months old. That was an crazy moment.


  5. That's is too cute! And it looks pretty fun... :-)
