Sunday, November 1, 2009

Cleaning Bug

I have been planning on cleaning and organizing Heidi's room for awhile, but apparently I needed a bit of a jump start. I discovered we had a mouse infestation and her room seemed hardest hit. This week has seen me thoroughly cleaning while dealing with the third week of the second round of nasty flu bug this fall. I've decided that 4-5 loads of laundry and the same number of dish drainers full of toys every day for a week really feels like enough.
During all this cleaning, I decided it was time to let Heidi discover her "secret passage way/play area". What a thrilling discovery that was! Thank you Papa Root!

I gave them a snack and allowed them to eat it there. What happy girls! How much I could suddenly get done without interference! Some may call this bribery, I prefer to think of it as creative problem solving.
When all but the furniture had been removed from the room, I let them help me mop the floor. That was not such creative problem solving on my part.
Heidi was actually a great help, and scrubbed with diligence.
Hannah, on the other hand, enjoyed dipping her cloth in the water, did not enjoy wringing it out, and really only swiped at the floor as a means to going back to the bucket to dip the rag in again. Needless to say we had many puddles and some wet girls by the time we were done.

If you'd like to come see Heidi's room, now is the time to do so, I don't think it's ever been this clean!


  1. I would LOVE to come see Heidi's room! It will probably be in the same time frame as Heidi waiting on Sheena Spicy Waggenhoffer... a ways off.
    You are such a great momma to let them "help". Those girls will be taking care of all the household duties when your hands are full with the next baby, or the one after that.

    I can honestly say that this little number 6 has been the easiest transition since Zack makes breakfast and feeds everyone, and Clay unloads the dishwasher and sweeps, and the girls run all my "errands". Diaper runs, wipe refills, momma's water bottle.
    They are amazing! I am spoiled:-)

    Love you. Hope you get over that bug soon and that it doesn't come back!


  2. Thankyou, 'Lene, I think I may have to clean again before you come if that's going to be the time frame. =)
    How wonderful to have little ones who truly are big enough to be a help! I love that God gives family to help one another. I also love that He gives us mommas some time to learn to be a servant so we really appreciate that help when it comes. I'm amazed at how much Heidi is able to do already!
