Tuesday we went to bed with a wet, muddy mess outside our door. I can't say it was overly pretty, but it was making me think spring may be on its way. Wednesday morning, we woke up to this:

We've gotten nearly a foot of snow already, and it's still coming down. Heidi loves it and keeps telling me, "It's snowing very loud!" I think the word she wants is "hard", but as usual, she insists that she is correct. I'm still looking forward to spring, but for now I'm being thankful that it's ever so much easier to clean up a little girl after she has been making snow pies than it is to clean the same girl after an afternoon of making those pies out of mud. We've also been without power on and off over the past couple of days and I have discovered a couple of things:
1.)living by candle and lantern light makes Heidi very hyper
2.)that same dim lighting frightens Hannah
3.)this is not a good combination
Other than constantly being at my little one's side, we've been having a good time here. Hannah is quickly working on becoming mobile. She schooched (if that's a word or even how you spell it) a good five feet to capture this prize:

Heidi loves to love on Hannah

Even with all that snow outside, we still can't build snowmen as this silly Manitoba snow doesn't pack properly so we've taken to building some inside.
Hannah's modeling a headband for me that I made as a gift for a friend's newly arrived daughter