Saturday, March 14, 2009

An Extensive Vocabulary

Heidi loves words. She loves to discover new words. She likes to listen to the sound of them. Likes to feel the way they roll off her tongue. Likes to ask Mama again and again what they mean. Likes to surprise me every so often by using properly a word she's only heard once in conversation, or one she heard a few weeks previous. I admit that we encourage this love of language. Daddy especially likes to help her expound her vocabulary. But even we are quite amazed at times by what comes out of her mouth.
A couple of months ago, Heidi started rhyming. It took me by surprise the day I told her I needed a little cooperation from her. She looked at me, tilted her head, and repeated the word a few times, getting a feel for it on her tongue. A light of recognition appeared on her face, "co-op-er-ation" she said, "e-vap-er-ation, pre-cip-i-tation!" she understood that they all sounded the same! Next thing I knew, she was making up songs that rhymed. I often hear her singing about the cooperation of evaperation and precipitation or about two little mouses who built little houses and so on. I'm thinking this little girl of mine will be a delight to homeschool. My only concern is how I'm going to keep ahead of her!

1 comment:

  1. Jon says, "Better watch out! Hide the dictionary. What fun."
